Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tomorrows the big day!

Tomorrows the big day!!! I'm finally getting braces after needing them for at least 15 years. It's a very bitter sweet moment for me. When I was little every dentist I went to told my parents that I needed braces, but since I was not their golden child I never got them, but my younger brother did.  My parents always told me that when they could afford it, they would get my braces too. But that never happen. I'm 27 years old, happily married, and a full time university student. I figured that right now is the best time. I'll be turning 30 the same year I get my braces off, and I want my 30's to be amazing.

I've decided to get ceramic braces on top and metal on the bottom. I wanted invisalign, but was not a candidate. Then I learned about lingual braces, but they cost an additional $1000 and I was told they can cause a lisp and because my bite is so small my tongue could easily become cut. I'm taking speech this semester, so not the best timing! Total cost is around $6500. A lot more then I expected. I'm making even payments every 24 months.

I'm really nervous about tomorrow. I've been looking forward to this for so long, and it's finally happening. I'm very self conscious about how I will look. I'm worried about how my husband will see me. In addition I've decided to take this opportunity to really work on my diet. I'm an emotional eater and a chronic snacker. I'm hoping that this will help me become more aware of my eating. I'm also hoping that with braces my TMJ will get better and flossing, in the end, will be much easier. Right now when I floss my teeth, my floss breaks! Playing everything will workout in the end, and this will be all worth it, $6500 worth it.


  1. I am 25 and also a full time student at a University. I am getting my braces put on tomorrow. I am doing the Damon clears on top and metal on bottom. I def want to start a blog but sure how to go about it. I will be (hopefully)get them off when I am 28ish (as I am almost 26) Also I am worried how my boyfriend will react. I am excited to follow your journey as we are about the same age and going to school and such.

    1. So far no one at school has really noticed. I got them right after the start of Fall semester, so no one in my classes knew I didn't have them before. My husband does not mind them much, but I have to be honest, kissing is very strange, and we are still trying to figure that out.
