Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Day 25 and Lots of Changes!!!

I'm in the middle of spring break and seeing lots of changes. My 2 front teeth look awesome!!!! In person you can hardly tell they are overlapping at all. I tried to get a good picture but could not get one that was perfectly straight on.

And this is what my upper arch looks like now! Huge difference!
I can really tell that things are starting to move. When I bite down, sometimes I can feel/hear a few teeth make a crunch like sound, and my front tooth (the one that is overlapping the other) also makes that sound and feels loose. In addition to all the movement, some of the brackets on my lower right side are starting to rub where they didn't before. I'm hoping this is because the teeth are starting to turn to their correct position rather then how they are currently turned inward.

So while away from home, I forgot my threader for flossing, and after taking more then 20 minutes to floss without it, I had to find something. I came accost an amazing product by Crest called Glide Threader Floss. I had already been using only Glide floss so thought I would give this a try. For 30 packs it was just under $6. Much more then regular dental floss, but I needed something and thought this might save some time since I don't have to worry about re-threading. It's fantastic and I will never go back to the old way!

I also tried Plackers Orthopick, but they only fit in a few areas, and the areas they fit in, I was not able to move it around to really clean.  Luckily, they were only $2 per bag, maybe that's why they were so cheap!

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